Wind Summary (mph)

Data last updated 1/13/2025 03:50 AM.

 Daily DetailMonthly SummarySeasonal Summary 
Maximum Wind Speed (mph)
202517.3* ---------------------------------17.3*
202418.4 19.6 18.4 19.6 17.3 23.0 36.8* 26.4 24.1 20.7* 33.4 26.4 36.8*
2023---0.0* ---17.3 23.0 24.1 14.9 18.4 11.5 13.8 12.7 16.1 24.1*
202234.5 38.0 41.4 47.1 40.3 36.8 32.2 35.6 34.5* ---0.0* 0.0* 47.1*
202143.7 43.7 42.5 36.8 36.8 42.5 42.5 34.5 33.4* 49.5* 39.1 42.5 49.5*
202041.4 43.7 43.7 34.5 38.0 42.5 39.1 41.4 31.1 34.5 43.7 42.5 43.7
201957.5 55.2 43.7 39.1 41.4 36.8 31.1 35.6* 46.0 41.4 42.5 44.9 57.5*
201848.3 43.7 46.0 41.4 33.4 42.5 34.5 35.6* 33.4 28.8 34.5 41.4 48.3*
201749.5 48.3 42.5* 51.8* 40.3 41.4 38.0 43.7 40.3 42.5 47.1 47.1 51.8*
201647.1 40.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3* 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3* 178.3*
201527.6 58.6 33.4* 178.3 36.8 178.3 31.1 178.3 38.0 29.9 42.5 48.3 178.3*
201426.4 44.9 41.4 36.8 38.0 35.6 79.3 33.4 41.4 43.7 42.5 49.5 79.3
201328.8 178.3 43.7 35.6 32.2 47.1 29.9 35.6 57.5 46.0 42.5 39.1 178.3
201243.7 38.0 46.0 178.3 38.0 178.3 178.3 178.3* 28.8* 36.8* 51.8 48.3 178.3*
201146.0 51.8 56.4 44.9 49.5 40.3 42.5 29.9 28.8 40.3* 48.3 178.3 178.3*
201040.3 11.5 36.8* 42.5 34.5 32.2 33.4 40.3 29.9 42.5 41.4 43.7 43.7*
200856.4 42.5 48.3 46.0 40.3 40.3 34.5 36.8 51.8 44.9 43.7 41.4 56.4
200741.4 47.1 46.0* 42.5 46.0 40.3 50.6 48.3 43.7 49.5 35.6 41.4 50.6*
200646.0 46.0 49.5 49.5 39.1* 35.6* 36.8 34.5 40.3 33.4 48.3 55.2 55.2*
2005---------------------------------46.0* 46.0*
Max57.5 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3 178.3
Average Maximum Wind Speed (mph)
202510.4* 5.6 less than the January average. ---------------------------------10.4* 16.8 less than the yearly average.
20246.1 9.9 less than the January average. 9.1 10.4 less than the February average. 9.5 21 less than the March average. 9.5 23.3 less than the April average. 10.5 18.4 less than the May average. 9.2 20.6 less than the June average. 11.2* 18.3 less than the July average. 13.7 16.8 less than the August average. 12.9 16.3 less than the September average. 11.4* 16.7 less than the October average. 15.3 11 less than the November average. 12.1 13 less than the December average. 10.9* 16.3 less than the yearly average.
2023---0.0* 19.5 less than the February average. ---8.3 24.6 less than the April average. 9.6 19.3 less than the May average. 11.2 18.6 less than the June average. 7.8 21.7 less than the July average. 9.8 20.7 less than the August average. 7.4 21.8 less than the September average. 6.9 21.2 less than the October average. 5.4 20.9 less than the November average. 5.9 19.2 less than the December average. 7.8* 19.4 less than the yearly average.
202214.0 2 less than the January average. 18.4 1.1 less than the February average. 23.1 7.4 less than the March average. 26.0 6.8 less than the April average. 26.4 2.5 less than the May average. 24.6 5.2 less than the June average. 22.8 6.7 less than the July average. 22.6 7.9 less than the August average. 22.0* 7.2 less than the September average. ---0.0* 26.3 less than the November average. 0.0* 25.1 less than the December average. 21.2* 6 less than the yearly average.
202119.5 3.5 more than the January average. 22.6 3.1 more than the February average. 24.9 5.6 less than the March average. 24.1 8.7 less than the April average. 24.4 4.5 less than the May average. 25.6 4.2 less than the June average. 25.1 4.4 less than the July average. 22.2 8.3 less than the August average. 20.7* 8.5 less than the September average. 21.5* 6.6 less than the October average. 18.2 8.1 less than the November average. 15.7 9.4 less than the December average. 22.0* 5.2 less than the yearly average.
202021.5 5.5 more than the January average. 20.2 0.7 more than the February average. 23.9 6.6 less than the March average. 23.8 9 less than the April average. 25.2 3.7 less than the May average. 25.7 4.1 less than the June average. 26.1 3.4 less than the July average. 24.4 6.1 less than the August average. 18.8 10.4 less than the September average. 17.5 10.6 less than the October average. 18.2 8.1 less than the November average. 18.8 6.3 less than the December average. 22.0 5.2 less than the yearly average.
201918.5 2.5 more than the January average. 26.8 7.3 more than the February average. 22.9 7.6 less than the March average. 24.9 7.9 less than the April average. 26.7 2.2 less than the May average. 25.5 4.3 less than the June average. 23.5 6 less than the July average. 21.4* 9.1 less than the August average. 24.0 5.2 less than the September average. 20.4 7.7 less than the October average. 16.1 10.2 less than the November average. 16.0 9.1 less than the December average. 22.2* 5 less than the yearly average.
201816.1 0.1 more than the January average. 22.2 2.7 more than the February average. 22.7 7.8 less than the March average. 25.1 7.7 less than the April average. 23.1 5.8 less than the May average. 24.2 5.6 less than the June average. 24.1 5.4 less than the July average. 23.2* 7.3 less than the August average. 23.6 5.6 less than the September average. 19.2 8.9 less than the October average. 18.9 7.4 less than the November average. 18.0 7.1 less than the December average. 21.7* 5.5 less than the yearly average.
201719.4 3.4 more than the January average. 26.1 6.6 more than the February average. 25.4* 5.1 less than the March average. 27.6* 5.2 less than the April average. 22.2 6.7 less than the May average. 23.4 6.4 less than the June average. 24.4 5.1 less than the July average. 23.7 6.8 less than the August average. 22.4 6.8 less than the September average. 19.3 8.8 less than the October average. 22.3 4 less than the November average. 16.5 8.6 less than the December average. 22.6* 4.6 less than the yearly average.
201619.2 3.2 more than the January average. 15.5 4 less than the February average. 144.2 113.7 more than the March average. 147.7 114.9 more than the April average. 126.8 97.9 more than the May average. 131.9 102.1 more than the June average. 148.6 119.1 more than the July average. 173.2* 142.7 more than the August average. 178.3 149.1 more than the September average. 178.3 150.2 more than the October average. 172.9 146.6 more than the November average. 178.3* 153.2 more than the December average. 134.4* 107.2 more than the yearly average.
201512.8 3.2 less than the January average. 21.4 1.9 more than the February average. 17.5* 13 less than the March average. 50.6 17.8 more than the April average. 25.0 3.9 less than the May average. 29.5 0.3 less than the June average. 23.7 5.8 less than the July average. 33.7 3.2 more than the August average. 20.8 8.4 less than the September average. 17.7 10.4 less than the October average. 16.6 9.7 less than the November average. 20.8 4.3 less than the December average. 24.4* 2.8 less than the yearly average.
20147.8 8.2 less than the January average. 20.8 1.3 more than the February average. 23.6 6.9 less than the March average. 23.8 9 less than the April average. 25.0 3.9 less than the May average. 25.5 4.3 less than the June average. 26.8 2.7 less than the July average. 22.6 7.9 less than the August average. 22.7 6.5 less than the September average. 20.7 7.4 less than the October average. 18.0 8.3 less than the November average. 19.6 5.5 less than the December average. 21.4 5.8 less than the yearly average.
201312.4 3.6 less than the January average. 24.3 4.8 more than the February average. 21.4 9.1 less than the March average. 24.1 8.7 less than the April average. 23.4 5.5 less than the May average. 21.0 8.8 less than the June average. 11.5 18 less than the July average. 8.5 22 less than the August average. 7.6 21.6 less than the September average. 12.8 15.3 less than the October average. 10.6 15.7 less than the November average. 3.9 21.2 less than the December average. 15.0 12.2 less than the yearly average.
201220.4 4.4 more than the January average. 20.3 0.8 more than the February average. 25.9 4.6 less than the March average. 41.6 8.8 more than the April average. 23.8 5.1 less than the May average. 32.9 3.1 more than the June average. 28.6 0.9 less than the July average. 29.0* 1.5 less than the August average. 17.7* 11.5 less than the September average. 20.5* 7.6 less than the October average. 21.6 4.7 less than the November average. 22.6 2.5 less than the December average. 25.7* 1.5 less than the yearly average.
201113.6 2.4 less than the January average. 21.3 1.8 more than the February average. 26.3 4.2 less than the March average. 27.3 5.5 less than the April average. 27.8 1.1 less than the May average. 22.8 7 less than the June average. 23.8 5.7 less than the July average. 21.7 8.8 less than the August average. 20.1 9.1 less than the September average. 21.7* 6.5 less than the October average. 20.7 5.6 less than the November average. 20.9 4.2 less than the December average. 22.3* 4.9 less than the yearly average.
201011.7 4.3 less than the January average. 1.0 18.5 less than the February average. 17.3* 13.2 less than the March average. 24.1 8.8 less than the April average. 23.5 5.4 less than the May average. 22.7 7.1 less than the June average. 23.0 6.5 less than the July average. 24.6 5.9 less than the August average. 20.1 9.1 less than the September average. 19.3 8.8 less than the October average. 18.4 7.9 less than the November average. 19.2 5.9 less than the December average. 18.9* 8.3 less than the yearly average.
200821.8 5.8 more than the January average. 19.2 0.3 less than the February average. 26.5 4 less than the March average. 27.3 5.5 less than the April average. 24.4 4.5 less than the May average. 25.8 4 less than the June average. 24.5 5 less than the July average. 26.2 4.3 less than the August average. 23.5 5.7 less than the September average. 21.6 6.5 less than the October average. 16.9 9.4 less than the November average. 20.9 4.2 less than the December average. 23.2 4 less than the yearly average.
200717.4 1.4 more than the January average. 25.3 5.8 more than the February average. 23.1* 7.4 less than the March average. 26.5 6.3 less than the April average. 27.4 1.5 less than the May average. 27.9 1.9 less than the June average. 27.1 2.4 less than the July average. 27.5 3 less than the August average. 27.5 1.7 less than the September average. 25.1 3 less than the October average. 16.9 9.4 less than the November average. 22.8 2.3 less than the December average. 24.6* 2.6 less than the yearly average.
200621.9 5.9 more than the January average. 21.7 2.2 more than the February average. 30.4 0.1 less than the March average. 27.9 4.9 less than the April average. 24.8* 4.1 less than the May average. 25.9* 3.9 less than the June average. 26.4 3.1 less than the July average. 24.5 6 less than the August average. 24.5 4.7 less than the September average. 20.8 7.3 less than the October average. 26.1 0.2 less than the November average. 19.3 5.8 less than the December average. 24.5* 2.7 less than the yearly average.
2005---------------------------------30.4* 5.3 more than the December average. 30.4* 3.2 more than the yearly average.
Avg16.0 19.5 30.5 32.8 28.9 29.8 29.5 30.5 29.2 28.1 26.3 25.1 27.2
Average Wind Speed (mph)
20251.0* 2.2 less than the January average. ---------------------------------1.0* 6.7 less than the yearly average.
20240.4 2.8 less than the January average. 0.7 3.3 less than the February average. 0.9 4.6 less than the March average. 0.9 4.4 less than the April average. 1.1 3.9 less than the May average. 0.9 3.9 less than the June average. 1.1* 3.4 less than the July average. 2.0 8.5 less than the August average. 1.7 12.3 less than the September average. 1.5* 12.6 less than the October average. 2.4 8.2 less than the November average. 1.5 10.2 less than the December average. 1.3* 6.4 less than the yearly average.
2023---0.0* 4 less than the February average. ---0.6 4.7 less than the April average. 0.7 4.3 less than the May average. 0.9 3.9 less than the June average. 0.7 3.8 less than the July average. 0.7 9.8 less than the August average. 0.6 13.4 less than the September average. 0.5 13.6 less than the October average. 0.3 10.2 less than the November average. 0.3 11.4 less than the December average. 0.6* 7.1 less than the yearly average.
20221.1 2.1 less than the January average. 1.6 2.4 less than the February average. 2.6 2.9 less than the March average. 4.3 1 less than the April average. 3.6 1.4 less than the May average. 3.4 1.4 less than the June average. 3.5 1 less than the July average. 1.8 8.7 less than the August average. 1.5* 12.5 less than the September average. ---0.0* 10.5 less than the November average. 0.0* 11.7 less than the December average. 2.6* 5.1 less than the yearly average.
20213.6 0.4 more than the January average. 4.6 0.6 more than the February average. 5.4 0.1 less than the March average. 5.0 0.3 less than the April average. 5.2 0.2 more than the May average. 5.0 0.2 more than the June average. 4.1 0.4 less than the July average. 4.5 6 less than the August average. 4.5* 9.5 less than the September average. 4.2* 9.9 less than the October average. 2.6 7.9 less than the November average. 1.8 9.9 less than the December average. 4.2* 3.5 less than the yearly average.
20203.7 0.5 more than the January average. 2.9 1.1 less than the February average. 3.8 1.7 less than the March average. 4.7 0.6 less than the April average. 4.8 0.2 less than the May average. 2.8 2 less than the June average. 3.1 1.4 less than the July average. 3.5 7 less than the August average. 3.6 10.4 less than the September average. 3.3 10.8 less than the October average. 4.0 6.5 less than the November average. 2.6 9.1 less than the December average. 3.6 4.1 less than the yearly average.
20194.2 1 more than the January average. 6.5 2.5 more than the February average. 5.0 0.5 less than the March average. 5.7 0.4 more than the April average. 5.9 0.9 more than the May average. 4.9 0.1 more than the June average. 4.2 0.3 less than the July average. 4.1* 6.4 less than the August average. 4.6 9.4 less than the September average. 4.1 10 less than the October average. 3.2 7.3 less than the November average. 2.6 9.1 less than the December average. 4.6* 3.1 less than the yearly average.
20183.7 0.5 more than the January average. 5.0 1 more than the February average. 5.2 0.3 less than the March average. 5.8 0.5 more than the April average. 4.9 0.1 less than the May average. 5.3 0.5 more than the June average. 4.5   4.4* 6.1 less than the August average. 4.8 9.2 less than the September average. 4.1 10 less than the October average. 3.9 6.6 less than the November average. 3.8 7.9 less than the December average. 4.6* 3.1 less than the yearly average.
20174.5 1.3 more than the January average. 5.6 1.6 more than the February average. 5.4* 0.1 less than the March average. 6.9* 1.7 more than the April average. 5.3 0.3 more than the May average. 5.0 0.2 more than the June average. 4.4 0.1 less than the July average. 4.1 6.4 less than the August average. 4.3 9.7 less than the September average. 4.0 10.1 less than the October average. 5.4 5.1 less than the November average. 3.7 8 less than the December average. 4.9* 2.8 less than the yearly average.
20165.6 2.4 more than the January average. 4.7 0.7 more than the February average. 15.4 9.9 more than the March average. 8.4 3.1 more than the April average. 10.1 5.1 more than the May average. 11.1 6.3 more than the June average. 20.1 15.6 more than the July average. 130.7* 120.2 more than the August average. 178.3 164.3 more than the September average. 178.3 164.2 more than the October average. 123.3 112.8 more than the November average. 169.9* 158.2 more than the December average. 70.3* 62.6 more than the yearly average.
20153.1 0.1 less than the January average. 5.3 1.3 more than the February average. 4.1* 1.4 less than the March average. 5.7 0.4 more than the April average. 5.1 0.1 more than the May average. 4.9 0.1 more than the June average. 4.2 0.3 less than the July average. 4.6 5.9 less than the August average. 5.3 8.7 less than the September average. 5.2 8.9 less than the October average. 5.3 5.2 less than the November average. 6.6 5.1 less than the December average. 5.0* 2.7 less than the yearly average.
20141.8 1.4 less than the January average. 4.9 0.9 more than the February average. 5.8 0.3 more than the March average. 5.7 0.4 more than the April average. 5.9 0.9 more than the May average. 5.5 0.7 more than the June average. 4.6 0.1 more than the July average. 4.7 5.8 less than the August average. 5.2 8.8 less than the September average. 5.0 9.1 less than the October average. 4.1 6.4 less than the November average. 4.5 7.2 less than the December average. 4.8 2.9 less than the yearly average.
20132.3 0.9 less than the January average. 3.7 0.3 less than the February average. 4.5 1 less than the March average. 5.2 0.1 less than the April average. 4.2 0.8 less than the May average. 3.5 1.3 less than the June average. 1.4 3.1 less than the July average. 0.9 9.6 less than the August average. 0.3 13.7 less than the September average. 0.3 13.8 less than the October average. 0.1 10.4 less than the November average. 0.0 11.7 less than the December average. 2.2 5.5 less than the yearly average.
20123.9 0.7 more than the January average. 4.0   6.2 0.7 more than the March average. 5.8 0.5 more than the April average. 4.6 0.4 less than the May average. 6.4 1.6 more than the June average. 1.5 3 less than the July average. 1.3* 9.2 less than the August average. 2.9* 11.1 less than the September average. 4.2* 9.9 less than the October average. 4.8 5.7 less than the November average. 4.7 7 less than the December average. 4.2* 3.5 less than the yearly average.
20112.5 0.7 less than the January average. 5.0 1 more than the February average. 6.1 0.6 more than the March average. 6.1 0.8 more than the April average. 6.6 1.6 more than the May average. 5.2 0.4 more than the June average. 4.4 0.1 less than the July average. 3.9 6.6 less than the August average. 3.4 10.6 less than the September average. 4.7* 9.4 less than the October average. 5.0 5.5 less than the November average. 3.1 8.6 less than the December average. 4.7* 3 less than the yearly average.
20101.9 1.3 less than the January average. 0.0 4 less than the February average. 3.9* 1.6 less than the March average. 5.6 0.3 more than the April average. 5.3 0.3 more than the May average. 5.0 0.2 more than the June average. 4.3 0.2 less than the July average. 5.4 5.1 less than the August average. 4.0 10 less than the September average. 3.3 10.8 less than the October average. 4.1 6.4 less than the November average. 4.3 7.4 less than the December average. 4.0* 3.7 less than the yearly average.
20084.1 0.9 more than the January average. 3.6 0.4 less than the February average. 6.0 0.5 more than the March average. 6.3 1 more than the April average. 5.1 0.1 more than the May average. 5.0 0.2 more than the June average. 4.2 0.3 less than the July average. 4.7 5.8 less than the August average. 3.8 10.2 less than the September average. 4.2 9.9 less than the October average. 3.4 7.1 less than the November average. 4.1 7.6 less than the December average. 4.5 3.2 less than the yearly average.
20073.6 0.4 more than the January average. 5.5 1.5 more than the February average. 4.5* 1 less than the March average. 6.1 0.9 more than the April average. 6.0 1 more than the May average. 5.8 1 more than the June average. 5.3 0.8 more than the July average. 5.0 5.5 less than the August average. 5.2 8.8 less than the September average. 4.9 9.2 less than the October average. 2.9 7.6 less than the November average. 4.0 7.7 less than the December average. 4.9* 2.8 less than the yearly average.
20064.7 1.5 more than the January average. 5.1 1.1 more than the February average. 7.5 2 more than the March average. 6.4 1.1 more than the April average. 5.6* 0.6 more than the May average. 5.5* 0.7 more than the June average. 5.1 0.6 more than the July average. 5.2 5.3 less than the August average. 4.7 9.3 less than the September average. 3.8 10.3 less than the October average. 5.6 4.9 less than the November average. 4.5 7.2 less than the December average. 5.3* 2.4 less than the yearly average.
2005---------------------------------6.5* 5.2 less than the December average. 6.5* 1.2 less than the yearly average.
Avg3.2 4.0 5.5 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.5 10.5 14.0 14.1 10.5 11.7 7.7
* denotes incomplete data for the month/year.

Beaufort number Description Wind speed
mph km/h kts m/s
0Calm< 1 < 1< 1< 0.3
1Light air1 - 3 1.1 - 5.51 - 20.3 - 1.5
2Light breeze4 - 7 5.6 - 113 - 61.6 - 3.4
3Gentle breeze8 - 12 12 - 197 - 103.4 - 5.4
4Moderate breeze 13 - 17 20 - 2811 - 155.5 - 7.9
5Fresh breeze 18 - 24 29 - 3816 - 208.0 - 10.7
6Strong breeze25 - 30 39 - 4921 - 2610.8 - 13.8
7High wind, Moderate gale, Near gale 31 - 3850 - 6127 - 3313.9 - 17.1
8Gale, Fresh gale39 - 46 62 - 7434 - 4017.2 - 20.7
9Strong gale47 - 54 75 - 8841 - 4720.8 - 24.4
10Storm, Whole gale55 - 63 89 - 10248 - 5524.5 - 28.4
11Violent storm64 - 72103 - 10756 - 6328.5 - 32.6
12Hurricane force > 73> 118> 64> 32.7

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.

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